companies implement

How can companies implement total quality management?


In an increasingly competitive business environment and with an increasingly demanding customer, it’s not just about selling a good product or service to be successful. The concept of total quality management that is emerging goes far beyond the design and packaging of products, extending them to all phases of the production process , from the collection of raw materials to distribution. , sale and after-sales service of the final article.

At CEDEC we know that betting on total quality management can be a differentiating factor for medium-sized companies in order to increase customer satisfaction, while improving the internal work of the company, making it more efficient . We explain what this management strategy consists of and how to make all workers aware of quality, beyond a specific department.

All areas of the organization must be involved in quality management, so that it has an impact on absolutely all the tasks carried out in the company. In order to implement this philosophy, the following aspects must be taken into account:

Internal communication and staff training are key elements

Human capital is the most important resource of the company, and for this it must be taken care of. All workers should be aware of the main goals , standards and obligations of the company, which should be the same for all teams.

In addition, facilitating the continuous training of staff allows all employees to know the innovations of the sector and to provide added value at all times in the production process.

Decisions must be made jointly

Many companies, unconsciously, work by generating silos between different domains , so that each department evolves at its own pace, engaging in different, and sometimes even contradictory objectives.

This is why there must be constant communication within the company, and why decisions must be consensual, so that all teams share the same mission, believe in it and are involved in its achievement.

The quality department is essential to unify criteria

The fact that decisions are made jointly does not mean that there is no need for a quality manager. In fact, it is important to have a person in charge of controlling all the processes and seeking to increase productivity in each of them.

You have to take care of the customers and also of the suppliers

Permanent contact with customers makes it possible to detect any change in their preferences and therefore better meet their expectations.

Responding to consumer complaints and inquiries is an opportunity to improve and stand out from the competition, and should never be viewed as a cost (it’s more of an investment).

But in addition to valuing the customer, it is also recommended to establish a relationship of trust with suppliers , trying to bet on long-term alliances when they are beneficial for both parties.

At CEDEC, European Center for Economic Development, we consider it very important for companies to consider modifying their management strategy in order to achieve optimum quality in each of the areas of activity, from production to administration, accounting, sales, customer service or human resources. This helps to increase productivity , increase company profits and achieve long-term Managerial Excellence.

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